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100220 Wade's FSC woodlot by Dan Hutt
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Dan Hutt
100220-01 Chester & TimberJack forwarder 7835
Dan Hutt
100220-02 Chester & TimberJack forwarder 7840
Dan Hutt
100220-03 fresh logging track 7846
Dan Hutt
100220-04 making a logging track 7849
Dan Hutt
100220-05 making a logging track 7854
Dan Hutt
100220-06 old-fashioned tools 7859
Dan Hutt
100220-07 advancing track 7862
Dan Hutt
100220-08 advancing track 7866
Dan Hutt
100220-09 laying down boughs 7868
Dan Hutt
100220-10 Timberjack forwarder 7872
Dan Hutt
100220-11 Timberjack forwarder 7878
Dan Hutt
100220-12 examining rate of growth 7884
Dan Hutt
100220-13 look what porcupines did to my tree 7886
Dan Hutt
100220-14 gassing up the power saw 7892
Dan Hutt
100220-15 cutting down a small tree 7894
Dan Hutt
100220-16 cutting down a small tree 7895
Dan Hutt
100220-17 cutting down a small tree 7896
Dan Hutt
100220-18 cutting down a small tree 7900
Dan Hutt
100220-19 trimming 7901
Dan Hutt
100220-20 trimming 7903
Dan Hutt
100220-21 timber 7907
Dan Hutt
100220-22 cutting into 8-foot lengths 7918
Dan Hutt
100220-23 trimming 7919
Dan Hutt
100220-24 measuring log 7924
Dan Hutt
100220-25 porcupine den under a rock ledge 7926
Dan Hutt
100220-26 porcupine damage to a spruce 7928
Dan Hutt
100220-27 Wade in his FSC-certified wood lot 7934
Dan Hutt
100220-28 stand of sugar maple replacing yellow birch 7939
Dan Hutt
100220-29 stand of sugar maple replacing yellow birch 7940
Dan Hutt
100220-30 Wade with a young sugar maple and old yellow birch 7944
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