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100717 Shelter Cove beach clean-up by Dan Hutt
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Dan Hutt
100717-01 Peter from the NS Nature Trust at Shelter Cove 0241
Dan Hutt
100717-02 Peter from the NS Nature Trust at Shelter Cove 0247
Dan Hutt
100717-03 Ace, Catherine & kayaker at Shelter Cove 0218
Dan Hutt
100717-04 Ace fetches last stick in the world 0224
Dan Hutt
100717-05 Ace stick rescue success 0229
Dan Hutt
100717-06 watching the proceedings 0228
Dan Hutt
100717-07 on Sandy Cove beach 0234
Dan Hutt
100717-08 rogue camp site at Sandy Cove 0238
Dan Hutt
100717-09 weird blaze on Shelter Cove trail 0239
Dan Hutt
100717-10 remains of wire fence on Shelter Cove trail 0240
Dan Hutt
100717-11 One-flowered wintergreen (Moneses uniflora) 0241
Dan Hutt
100717-12 One-flowered wintergreen (Moneses uniflora) 0246
Dan Hutt
100717-13 Indian Pipe (Monotropa uniflora) 0249
Dan Hutt
100717-14 Peter with unidentified plant 0253
Dan Hutt
100717-15 unidentified plant (flower stalks) 0256
Dan Hutt
100717-16 unidentified plant (flower stalks & seed pods) 0254
Dan Hutt
100717-17 Blue Flag iris (Iris versicolor) 0267
Dan Hutt
100717-18 Silverweed (Potentilla anserina) 0293
Dan Hutt
100717-19 Grass Pink orchid (Calopogon pulchellus) 0318
Dan Hutt
100717-20 Dave B., proud owner of garbage 0270
Dan Hutt
100717-21 getting ready to ship out 0271
Dan Hutt
100717-22 Dusan with new spare tire 0275
Dan Hutt
100717-23 admiring a green crab - our latest invasive species 0277
Dan Hutt
100717-24 Dave & Russ setting off with loot 0279
Dan Hutt
100717-25 Dusan's big, new canoe holds more junk 0286
Dan Hutt
100717-26 Ace want's to follow 0288
Dan Hutt
100717-27 leaving Shelter Cove 0291
Dan Hutt
100717-28 wet Ace 0294
Dan Hutt
100717-29 Dave B. & Russ approach Carry-Over Cove 0304
Dan Hutt
100717-30 Peter G. at Carry-Over Cove 0299
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