Dan Hutt: 090419-01 Dave's excellent camp 2904
Dan Hutt: 090419-02 Dave's security system 2906
Dan Hutt: 090419-03 Dave at his camp 2909
Dan Hutt: 090419-04 deer-proofing an oak tree 2907
Dan Hutt: 090419-05 don't forget'em 2910
Dan Hutt: 090419-06 Dave tackles some logs 2911
Dan Hutt: 090419-07 Dave tackles some logs 2914
Dan Hutt: 090419-08 Dave's wood lot 2916
Dan Hutt: 090419-09 tall pines on Dave's wood lot 2917
Dan Hutt: 090419-10 Dave's wood lot 2918
Dan Hutt: 090419-11 Dave and his manly truck 2921
Dan Hutt: 090419-12 a goodly load of firewood for the cottage 2922
Dan Hutt: 090419-13 Matrix & trailer ready to go 2923