andrewsloan1964: Great spotted woodpecker
David Assmann: Townsend's Warbler
David Assmann: Western Bluebird
E_Rick1502: Northern Pygmy Owl
Collins93: HCR31391-Edit
Bill McDonald 2016: Tufted Titmouse keeping an eye on me !!
DMD Cine Attic: Chasing the foggy days
Mick Woodward: Barn Owl in the Peak District.
Keith Huang Photography copy righted: Great Gray Owl. Central Alberta.
David Hall DRH Photography: The Cafe Collection
stephan.prieshof: Grey Wolf
ericnzhou: Long-whiskered Owlet (Endemic)
Fermin Ezcurdia: Monument-Valley
SASPhotography67: Wood Duck Wednesday…
Michelle Hang Bui: _DSC0344_ Cedar Waxwing
Terry Carew: Grey Headed Gull at Rondebult
AllHarts: Eastern Bluebird, female
Heffordphoto: Barred Owl
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Woodland Kingfisher
Rodrigo Conte: Glittering-throated Emerald (Chionomesa fimbriata)
Bradley Hamel: A red shouldered hawk in a fall colored background.
Rayladur: Tétras du Canada - Spruce Grouse
Bernie Duhamel: The Singer
Stephen G Nelson: Male ladder-backed Woodpecker
Helen Cunningham: Tawny Frogmouth
Zdravko Petkovski: Moment of Stillness
RPahre: Through the mists - Explored
philippe.s.: An American Goldfinch (in Explore)