nicole le roy91: Blue wildebeest in Etosha National Park/Gnou bleu
nicole le roy91: Cheetah in Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park /South Africa
nicole le roy91: Lilac -breasted Roller
nicole le roy91: Elephants in Etosha National Park ,Namibia
nicole le roy91: Springboks/ Etosha National Park /Okaukuejo -Namibia
nicole le roy91: Lion / Etosha in Namibia ,near Namutoni
nicole le roy91: Banded Mongoose /Mangouste rayée à Waterberg /Namibia
nicole le roy91: Dik Dik /Waterberg Camp /Namibia
nicole le roy91: Lion / Etosha National Park in Namibia ,near Namutoni
nicole le roy91: Young Red Hartebeest at Etosha near Okaukuejo /Namibia
nicole le roy91: Etosha in Namibia
nicole le roy91: Lioness at Etosha , near Namutoni /Namibia
nicole le roy91: Two by Two !Elephants in Etosha ,Namibia
nicole le roy91: At Sunset ,a giraffe drinking at the waterhole near Namutoni in Etosha, Namibia
nicole le roy91: the giraffe family leaving the waterhole....and the jackal...tiny/Etosha in Namibia
nicole le roy91: Feeding of the Common cuckoo by a couple of Dunnocks
nicole le roy91: Short eared owl at sunset
nicole le roy91: Short eared owl at sunset
nicole le roy91: Short eared owl
nicole le roy91: Atlantic puffin: Macareux moine
nicole le roy91: Greater flamingo /Flamant Rose(Phoenicopterus Roseus)
nicole le roy91: Red Fox /Renard Roux on the ice
nicole le roy91: European bee-eater/Guêpier d'Europe
nicole le roy91: European robin/Rouge-gorge familier
nicole le roy91: Atlantic puffin: Macareux moine
nicole le roy91: Osprey early in the morning/Balbuzard pêcheur tôt le matin
nicole le roy91: Greater flamingo /Flamant Rose(Phoenicopterus Roseus)
nicole le roy91: Red Deer free and wild in the forest / Autumn image 2023
nicole le roy91: Wild boar free in the forest after sunset /Sangler libre et sauvage dans l forêt (pour le partage )
nicole le roy91: Red Deer was free and wild in the forest-France. /2023