Bob Gunderson: Killdeer
Bob Gunderson: Townsend's Warbler
Bob Gunderson: Ferruginous Hawk
Bob Gunderson: River Otter
Bob Gunderson: River Otter
Bob Gunderson: Allen's Hummingbird
Bob Gunderson: Ferruginous Hawk
Bob Gunderson: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Bob Gunderson: Wilson's Snipe
Bob Gunderson: Spotted Sandpiper
Bob Gunderson: Townsend's Warbler
Bob Gunderson: Pigeon Guillemot
Bob Gunderson: Pigeon Guillemot
Bob Gunderson: Pigeon Guillemot with a Golden Gate Bridge Background
Bob Gunderson: Snowy Egret Walks on Water
Bob Gunderson: Raccoon
Bob Gunderson: Great Egret
Bob Gunderson: Osprey Youngsters
Bob Gunderson: Great Egret
Bob Gunderson: Caspian Tern
Bob Gunderson: Osprey Youngsters
Bob Gunderson: Cedar Waxwing
Bob Gunderson: Black-crowned Night-Heron
Bob Gunderson: Common Gallinule
Bob Gunderson: Tropical Kingbird
Bob Gunderson: Black-and-white Warbler
Bob Gunderson: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Bob Gunderson: Blue Angels and Alcatraz
Bob Gunderson: Blue Angels and Golden Gate Bridge