Bill McDonald 2016: Dark-eyed Junco in the snow
Bill McDonald 2016: Downy Woodpecker
Bill McDonald 2016: Horned Lark .. into the sun!
Bill McDonald 2016: Snow Buntings
Bill McDonald 2016: Leucistic Dark-eyed Junco
Bill McDonald 2016: Hooded Merganser male
Bill McDonald 2016: Carolina Wren posing !
Bill McDonald 2016: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Bill McDonald 2016: Tufted Titmouse
Bill McDonald 2016: Snow Bunting in Cornfield
Bill McDonald 2016: Winter Wren
Bill McDonald 2016: Carolina Wren
Bill McDonald 2016: Brown Creeper foraging
Bill McDonald 2016: Tufted Titmouse keeping an eye on me !!
Bill McDonald 2016: American Tree Sparrow
Bill McDonald 2016: White-throated Sparrow
Bill McDonald 2016: Red-bellied Woodpecker (M)
Bill McDonald 2016: Red Squirrel - hanging out !!
Bill McDonald 2016: Golden-crowned Kinglet with lunch
Bill McDonald 2016: American Robin
Bill McDonald 2016: Orange Sulphur Butterfly in the Fall sunshine
Bill McDonald 2016: White-crowned Sparrow
Bill McDonald 2016: Tennessee Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Bill McDonald 2016: Palm Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Bill McDonald 2016: Lincoln's Sparrow
Bill McDonald 2016: American Redstart (M)