Tuffy Robson: Barn Owl..
QuantDracula: The Red Planet and the Wolf Moon
QuantDracula: Falling
nilsson.so1: Ingaryd Fotobok
Peter Simpson: American Bullfrog - Ouaouaron
swampgas2 ( read my profile ): The lady bird half of one of the three pairs od Cardinals I have coming to visit the feeder.
swampgas2 ( read my profile ): A unusual holiday decoration. Thought I had better get a shot before it is gone until next year maybe.
Ned Harris: _U6A8514 Adult Ferruginous Hawk
bbatley: Short-eared Owl (perched)
Eagle_Eyes96: Mandarin duck
dbrandesphotos: _14A5614-Edit
dbrandesphotos: _14A1894-Edit-Edit
Paulo Kelly: Hurry up! I’m freezing in here!
marieroy0808: Lagopède des Saules - Willow Ptarmigan
billbigfish: I'm feeling chipper today!
JEO126: Hooded merganser hen
Samuel Maglione: C10G0122
lfalterbauer: 2I1A0171-Edit1
SASPhotography67: Boreal Bullet!…
Palnick: Purple sunset among the icebergs of Disko Bay
Kevin E. Fox: Snow Goose
sbuckinghamnj: Turquoise Tanager
Alan Gutsell: Chestnut-collared Longspur
billbigfish: Looking for breakfast!
bobmullen777: Dark-eyed Junco 1-20-2025
lfalterbauer: 2I1A9983-Edit1
JEO126: Red-breasted merganser drake
SASPhotography67: Cloaked Hunter..