marieroy0808: Geai Bleu - Bleu Jay
marieroy0808: Sizerin Blanchâtre
marieroy0808: Gros-Bec Errant - Evening Grosbeak
marieroy0808: Hermine - Ermine - armiño - Mustela erminea
marieroy0808: Gros-Bec Errant - Evening Grosbeak
marieroy0808: Fauvette mélanocéphale
marieroy0808: Perriche Veuve
marieroy0808: Bulbul des jardins
marieroy0808: merle noir
marieroy0808: Grand-duc d'Europe
marieroy0808: Mésangeai du Canada - Canada Jay
marieroy0808: Jaseur d'Amérique - Cedar Waxwing
marieroy0808: Paruline Obscure - Tennessee Warbler
marieroy0808: Plongeon huard - Common Loon
marieroy0808: Paruline Noir et Blanc - Black-and-white Warbler
marieroy0808: Colibri à gorge rubis - Ruby-throated Hummingbird
marieroy0808: Paruline du Canada - Canada Warbler
marieroy0808: Paruline à gorge orangée - Blackburnian Warbler
marieroy0808: Passerin Indigo - Indigo Bunting
marieroy0808: Jaseur d'Amérique - Cedar Waxwing
marieroy0808: Grive fauve - Veery
marieroy0808: Paruline Masquée - Common Yellowthroat
marieroy0808: Plongeon huard - Common Loon with his chick
marieroy0808: Plongeon huard - Common Loon with his chick
marieroy0808: Roselin Pourpré - Purple Finch
marieroy0808: Tyran Titri - Eastern Kingbird
marieroy0808: Tyran Titri juvénile - Eastern Kingbird Juvenile
marieroy0808: Paruline à Collier - Setophaga americanna - Northern Parula
marieroy0808: Passerin Indigo - Indigo Bunting
marieroy0808: Foulque d'Amérique - American Coot