Kevin E. Fox: Pileated Woodpecker
Kevin E. Fox: Red-shouldered Hawk
Kevin E. Fox: Bald Eagle
Kevin E. Fox: American Kestrel
Kevin E. Fox: Go Eagles
Kevin E. Fox: Northern Flicker (explored 1/11/25)
Kevin E. Fox: Tufted Titmouse
Kevin E. Fox: The definition of ugly
Kevin E. Fox: Happy New Year
Kevin E. Fox: Sandhill Crane
Kevin E. Fox: In the fog
Kevin E. Fox: Ring-necked Duck
Kevin E. Fox: Dark-eyed Junco (explored 12/23/24)
Kevin E. Fox: Hooded Merganser
Kevin E. Fox: American Tree Sparrow (lifer)
Kevin E. Fox: Wilson's Snipe
Kevin E. Fox: Horned Grebe (large crop)
Kevin E. Fox: Brown Creeper
Kevin E. Fox: Belted Kingfisher
Kevin E. Fox: Carolina Chickadee
Kevin E. Fox: Red-tailed Hawk (explored 12/6/24)
Kevin E. Fox: MyFlickrYear24 Photo
Kevin E. Fox: Eastern Meadowlark
Kevin E. Fox: Ash-throated Flycatcher
Kevin E. Fox: Long-tailed Duck
Kevin E. Fox: Ash-throated Flycatcher (lifer explored 11/18/24)
Kevin E. Fox: Purple Finch (F)
Kevin E. Fox: Not a bird, snake, elephant or a plane...
Kevin E. Fox: Eastern Phoebe (explored 10/9/2024)
Kevin E. Fox: Palm Warbler