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albums of scorellis
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Middle America Birding Tour
Waterfowl (Order: Anseriformes)
Landfowl (Order: Galliformes)
Grebes (Order: Podicipediformes
Pigeons & Doves (Order: Columbiformes)
Cuckoos (Order: Cuculiformes)
Nightjars (Order: Caprimulgiformes)
Hummingbirds & Swifts (Order: Apodiformes)
Rails & Cranes (Order: Gruiformes)
Shorebirds, Alcids, & Gulls (Order: Charadriiformes)
Loons (Order: Gaviiformes)
Petrels (Order: Procellariiformes)
Wood Stork & Waders (Orders: Ciconiiformes & Pelecaniformes)
Frigatebirds, Gannets & Cormorants (Order: Suliformes)
New World Vultures (Order: Cathartiformes)
Hawks, Eagles & Kites (Order: Accipitriformes)
Owls (Order: Strigiformes)
Trogons & Kingfishers (Orders: Trogoniformes & Coraciiformes)
Woodpeckers (Order: Piciformes)
Falcons (Order: Falconiformes)
Parrots (Order: Psittaciformes)
Flycatchers & Becards (Families: Tyrannidae & Tityridae)
Vireos & Shrikes (Families: Vireonidae & Laniidae )
Corvids (Family: Corvidae)
Chickadees, Bushtit & Verdin (Families: Paridae, Aegithalidae, & Remizidae)
Swallows (Family: Hirundinidae)
Nuthatches, Creepers & Kinglets (Families: Sittidae, Certhiidae & Regulidae)
Wrens, Gnatcatchers & Wrentit (Families: Troglodytidae, Polioptilidae & Sylviidae)
Thrashers (Family: Mimidae)
Starlings, Waxwings & Silky-Flycatchers (Sturnidae, Bobycillidae & Ptiliogonatidae)
Thrushes & Pipits (Families: Turdidae, Motacillidae
Finches (Family: Fringillidae)
Sparrows & Longspurs (Families: Passerellidae & Calcariidae)
Blackbirds (Family: Icteridae)
Wood-Warblers & Olive Warbler (Families: Parulidae & Peucedramidae))
Cardinals (Family: Cardinalidae)
Mammals (Class: Mamalia)
Reptiles & Amphibians
Best Photos
Scott's Poland Trip
Foothills part II, TX
San Antonio & Foothills, TX
King Ranch, TX
Rio Grande River Valley, TX
Estero Llano Grande State Park, TX
Boat tour of Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, TX
Ranching land near San Antonio, TX
Illinois Beach State Park Franklin's Gull
August 2018 IOS Shorebird trip, Central Illinois
Salton Sea & Madera Canyon, AZ
Phoenix, AZ Gilded Flicker & Lovebirds
Chiricahua Mountains & Wilcox, AZ
Chiricahua Mountains, AZ
Cave Creek Canyon, AZ
Grace's Warbler
Huachuca Mountains, AZ
Patagonia, AZ
California Gulch, AZ
Madera Canyon, AZ
San Bernardino Mountains, CA
San Gabriel Mountains, CA
The Salton Sea, CA
The Birds of Los Angeles, CA
The Wildlife of Channel Islands NP, CA
Condors & Plovers in Big Sur, CA
Farallon Islands, CA
San Jose, CA
Chain o'Lakes State Park
Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Scissor-tailed flycatcher
Big Day ILYB
Spring Bird Count, 2018
Summer Tanager
Daniel Wright woods Mother’s Day 2018
Lake County Rarities
Wright Woods 5/13
Daniel Wright Woods 2018
Waukegan Beach Piping Plover
Waukegan Beach May 2018
Sax-Zim Bog 2018
Fungi and Alaska
Rend Lake, July, 2017
Havana & Goose Lake 2017
Grass Lake June 2017
All bird species photographed
Waukegan Beach and Cook Cook County, May, 2017
Rollins Savanna May 27, 2017
Waukegan and Rollins
2017 Spring Bird Count
flickr (2)
Waukegan Beach 10/19
ILYB - 2016_11_6
Scorellis Pic Picks
Lake Glenview, April 2016
Dry Tortugas
Florida Day 9 - Dry Tortugas
Best Florida Birds
Florida Day 8
2016 Florida, Day 7
2016 Florida, Day 6
2016 Florida, Day 5
2016 Florida, Day 4
2016 Florida, Day 3
Florida Day 2
2016 Florida Day 1
Kirtland Outing
Minnesota Trip
Superior National Forest
Sax Zim Bog, Minnesota
Bobcat - Magpie dispute
Mystery Gull
2016 IOS Gull Frolic
Monk Parakeets
2016-01-01 CBC Osprey Lake
2016-01-01 Christmas Bird Count
Decreation - Waukegan Beach Weeds
2015-10 Mortons Arboretum
2015-01 Albuquerque
2015-01 Day 2, Madera Canyon
2014_12 Chicago River
2015-10-18 Middlefork Savanna
2015_10 Sedge Wren
Yellow-headed Blackbird
All Species
2015, May Busey Woods and my yard
2015 April
Arizona NM, Day 3 Madera Canyon
2015-03-07 Waukegan
Common Loon
Black-capped Gnatcatcher
Black-throated Grey Warbler
American Avocet
Brideled Titmouse
Blue-throated Hummingbird
Long-billed Curlew
Western Meadowlark
Lark Sparrow
Santa Cruz Flats Day 2
Arizona and New Mexico
Day 1, Riperian Preserve at Water Ranch, Gilbert AZ
Day 4 Patagonia
Day 6 Cave Creek
Day 8 Flickr Bosque Del Apache
Day 9, Sandia Crest
Day 7, Roswell
2014-11 SQL PASS Summit
Kalimba Pattern
Blood Moon over Middlefork Savanna 2014
Lake Michigan Palagic
2014_10 Cuba Marsh
2014-09-20 Illinois Beach State Park and WIllowbrook
Rusty Blackbird
Swainson's Hawk
2014-07 sunrise over beach park
day 10, Dry Tortugas
Day 9 - SCUBA
2014-08-03 Rollins
Brother and Sister
Florida Day 8
Red Knot - Breeding Plumage
Black-necked Stilt
Red Knot
American Oystercatcher
2014-05-20, Day 6 Bonita Springs and Corkscrew
Red-shouldered Hawk
Eastern Meadowlark
Day 7 Everglades and Miami and Research Rd
2014-05-20, Day 6 Bonita Springs and Corkscrew
Loggerhead Shrike
Burrowing Owl
Eurasian Wigeon
2014-05-19 Pelican Sports Complex, Sanabel Island
2014-05-18 Day 4, Florida
Grasshopper Sparrow
Brewer's Blackbird
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
2014-015-17 Florida Day 3, Tampa
Blue Grosbeak
2014-06-14 Illinois Beach State Park
2014-06-15 LBOLA
2014-06-08 Rollins Savanna
2014 Florida, Day 02 Ocala
Florida Day 01
Worm-eating Warbler
Indigo Bunting
Blue-winged Teal
White-winged Scoter
Swallow-tailed Kite
Common Yellowthroat
Forester's Tern
Louisiana Waterthrush
Reddish Egret
Wood Stork
glaucous gull
Bonaparte's Gull
Sandhill Crane
American Kestrel
Red-winged Blackbird
Northern Harrier
Eastern Bluebird
Eastern Wood Pewee
Yellow Warbler
Tree Swallow
Caspian Tern
Black Tern
American Coot
Eurasian Coot
Solitary Sandpiper
Stilt Sandpiper
Wilson's Plover
Western Sandpiper
Ruddy Turnstone
Red-headed Woodpecker
Mississippi Kite
Northern Pintail
Blackburnian Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Common Gallinule
Roseate Spoonbill
American White Pelican
Brown Pelican
Summer Tanager
Kentucky Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler
Barred Owl
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Great-grey Owl
Snowy Owl
Short-eared Owl
Bald Eagle
Great-horned Owl
Rough-legged Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Woodcock
2014-03-01 Bartlett ILYB
Of Snowy Owls,Coyotes, and Opossums
LBOLA and Park District Bluff Restoration
2013_11_24 American Kestral
2013-08 Ohio
2013-11-10 Hawks at Fort Sheridan
2013-10-05 Montrose Bird Sanctuary
2013-10-13 Middlefork
Marsh Wren and other stuff
2013-10-27 Rollins Savanna
September 2013
2013-09-12 Hummingbird Moth
2013-08-31 Lake Blufif - Kayaking and random
2013-09-01 Montrose Bird Sanctuary, Chicago
2013-08-24 Grass Lake
Birds of Lake and Cook Counties Exhibit
Ethan's Drawings
Show Considerations
2013-07-13 London
2013 Activator Limestone Metric
07-06-2013 Middlefork Savanna
2013-06-20 Day 1 and 2
2013-06-21 Southern Illinois
2013_06_16 Plum Creek with COS
2013_06_13 Toronto
2013-05-18 Shingle Creek, Orlando, FL
2013-05-18 Lettuce Lake, FL
2013-05-17 Calusa Blueway Kayaking
2013 Lettuce Lake, Fl
2013_05_04 Montrose Lake-Cook Audubon
2013_05_04 Urbana and Busey Woods
2013_05_11 Montrose and Lincoln Park
2013-03 Pelicans in Lake County
2013 Q1 Lo-Fi
2013-04-21 Fort Sheridan
2013-04-14 Lake Bluff
2013-04-14 Montrose
04-14-2012, Lake County Forest Preserve District Woodcock Walk, Cuba Marsh (NIGHT Photography)
2013-04-06 Ethan's Lake Glenview and Woodcock Walk
2013-04-01 Little Red Schoolhouse
2013-04-01 Lake Glenview
2013-03-17 Waukegan and North Point Marina
2013-03-02 Walk with a Naturalist at Raven'S Glen (Lake County, IL)
2013-03-23 Lake County ILYB
2013-03-24 Lake Cook Audubon
Ring Billed Gulls - Parking Perspective
Snow Geese w Canada Geese IL-WI
Great Gray Owl - Madison Area, Wisconsi - 2013-03-25
Glaucous Gull
Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus) at Renaissance Faire, Bristol WI, September 2012
2013-09-08 Palos Gull
Lincoln Park Zoo
Somewhere in Illinois
February 2013 Montrose Ross's Goose
Calumet February 2012
Evanston 2013 Varied Thrush
Field Museum Elephant Book
Chicago Snowy Owl (et al) January 26th, 2012
Chicago Botanic Garden - Cedar Waxwings
Leucistic Canada Goose
Waukegan Harbor in Winter
Indiana Sandhill Cranes - Jasper Pulaski Fish and Game Reserve
Tundra Trip
Lake Bluff Twilight Criterium 2012
Ryerson 5-5-2012 w Ethan Ellis
Ethan and Brennan Tour Lake and Cook County
Scorellis Pic Picks
Chicago Botanic Garden