scorellis: S1D_9511 London Kew Gardens, Lincolns Inn Fields, Wetlands Centre
scorellis: S1D_0146 Eurasian Coot, London Kew Gardens, London England (Fulica atra)
scorellis: S1D_0335 Eurasian Coot - London Kew Gardens
scorellis: S1D_0061 Black-headed Gull, Hyde Park London Kew Gardens, Lincolns Inn Fields, Wetlands Centre
scorellis: S1D_0108 Tufted Duck - Kew Gardens, London England
scorellis: S1D_9604 London Kew Gardens, Lincolns Inn Fields, Wetlands Centre
scorellis: S1D_0004 London Hyde Park, Crested Grebe
scorellis: S1D_9406 London Kew Gardens, Tufted Duck
scorellis: S1D_0504 London Hyde Park, Black-headed Gull
scorellis: S1D_0393 Barnacle Goose, London Kew Gardens
scorellis: S1D_0498 London Kew Gardens,White-headed Duck
scorellis: S1D_9488 Wood Pigeon - London, Lincoln's Inn Fields
scorellis: S1D_9496 London Kew Gardens, Bar-headed Goose
scorellis: S1D_9659 Wood Pigeon - London, Lincoln's Inn Fields
scorellis: S1D_9623 London Kew Gardens, Common Pochard
scorellis: S1D_0477 Ruddy Shelduck - Kew Gardens, London England
scorellis: S1D_9567 London Kew Gardens, Great Pelican
scorellis: S1D_9561 Common Blackbird - London, Lincoln's Inn Fields
scorellis: S1D_9711 European Robin - London, Lincoln's Inn Fields (Erithacus rubecula)
scorellis: S1D_9545 London Kew Gardens, Lincolns Inn Fields, Wetlands Centre
scorellis: S1D_9892 Black-headed Gull over Tower of London - London, England (Chroicocephalus ridibundus)
scorellis: S1D_0505 Common Shelduck, London Kew Gardens,
scorellis: S1D_0275 Grey Lag Goose - Kew Gardens, London England
scorellis: S1D_9590 Juvenile European Robin - London, Lincoln's Inn Fields (Erithacus rubecula)
scorellis: S1D_9877 Lesser Black-backed Gull over Tower of London, England (Larus fuscus)
scorellis: S1D_9884 Lesser Black-backed Gull over Tower of London - London, England (Larus fuscus)
scorellis: S1D_9933 Common Raven - Tower of London, London England (Corvus corax)
scorellis: S1D_9975 Ravens, London Kew Gardens
scorellis: S1D_0012 Crested Grebe, London Hyde Park
scorellis: S1D_9440 Gray Heron, London Kew Gardens