scorellis: Winter plumage Common Loon with Broken Wing IMG_0058
scorellis: Winter plumage Common Loon with Broken Wing eating Yellow Perch IMG_0076
scorellis: Winter plumage Common Loon with Broken Wing eating Yellow Perch IMG_0077
scorellis: Winter plumage Common Loon with Broken Wing eating Yellow Perch IMG_0080
scorellis: Winter plumage Common Loon with Broken Wing IMG_0101
scorellis: Coyote IMG_0139
scorellis: IMG_0145
scorellis: IMG_0148
scorellis: IMG_0149
scorellis: IMG_0150
scorellis: IMG_0151
scorellis: Habitat of a boy IMG_0153
scorellis: IMG_0156
scorellis: IMG_0168
scorellis: IMG_0170
scorellis: IMG_0171
scorellis: IMG_0178
scorellis: IMG_0179
scorellis: House Sparrows IMG_0183
scorellis: IMG_0208
scorellis: IMG_0213
scorellis: IMG_0280
scorellis: IMG_0287
scorellis: IMG_0288
scorellis: IMG_0291
scorellis: Least Sandpiper IMG_0301
scorellis: IMG_0333
scorellis: IMG_0341
scorellis: IMG_0344
scorellis: Anna's Hummingbird