scorellis: American Great-white Pelican CH3R3436
scorellis: American Great-white Pelican CH3R3438
scorellis: Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler CH3R2611
scorellis: Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler CH3R2614
scorellis: Double-crested and Neotropic Cormorants CH3R2626
scorellis: Female Anna's Hummingbird CH3R2655
scorellis: Female Anna's Hummingbird CH3R2668
scorellis: Anna's Hummingbird male
scorellis: CH3R2693
scorellis: Great and Snowy Egrets CH3R2701
scorellis: Male Anna's Hummingbird CH3R2723
scorellis: Male Anna's Hummingbird CH3R2736
scorellis: Great and Snowy Egrets CH3R2710
scorellis: CH3R2753
scorellis: Harris's Hawk CH3R2764
scorellis: ??? Hawk CH3R2777
scorellis: Great-tailed Grackle CH3R2768
scorellis: Curve-billed Thrasher CH3R2784
scorellis: Curve-billed Thrasher CH3R2790
scorellis: Abert's Towhee CH3R2800
scorellis: Black Phoebe CH3R2801
scorellis: Black-necked Stilt
scorellis: Black-necked Stilt CH3R2821
scorellis: Black-necked Stilt CH3R2834
scorellis: Snowy Egret CH3R2844
scorellis: Snowy Egret
scorellis: Snowy Egret CH3R2852
scorellis: Verdin CH3R2895
scorellis: Snowy Egret CH3R2853
scorellis: Abert's Towhee CH3R2875