scorellis: Common Loon
scorellis: Horned grebe
scorellis: Northern Shoveler
scorellis: Common Loon
scorellis: Northern Shoveler male
scorellis: Common Loon (alternate plumage)
scorellis: Pied-billed Grebe
scorellis: Red-breasted Merganse
scorellis: Pied-billed Grebe
scorellis: S1D_7704 2013-04-06, Lesser and Greater Scaup, Rena says "What are those!" Glenview Air Station - Techny Basin - AirStation Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: S1D_7715 2013-04-06, "Butterfly Kite!", Glenview Air Station - Techny Basin - AirStation Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: Bufflehead
scorellis: S1D_7706 2013-04-06,Greater Scaup, Rena (again) "What are those!?", Glenview Air Station - Techny Basin - AirStation Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: Horned Grebe
scorellis: S1D_7736 2013-04-06, Glenview Air Station - Techny Basin - AirStation Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: Horned Grebe
scorellis: Horned Grebe
scorellis: Ring-billed Gull
scorellis: Barn Swallow
scorellis: Barn Swallow
scorellis: American Coot
scorellis: iPhone Photo of Techny Basin
scorellis: Great Egret
scorellis: Great Egret
scorellis: Blue-winged Teal
scorellis: iPhone Photo of Glenview Air Station Prairie
scorellis: S1D_7847 2013-04-06, Glenview Air Station - Techny Basin - AirStation Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: S1D_7842 2013-04-06, Tree Swallow, Air Station Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk
scorellis: Wilson's Snipe
scorellis: S1D_7856 2013-04-06, Air Station Prairie, Ethan's Audubon walk