scorellis: SC_79743 Rollins and Beach Park
scorellis: Spiderwart
scorellis: Monarch Butterfly
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Eastern Bluebird
scorellis: Spiderwart
scorellis: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
scorellis: Brewers Blackbird
scorellis: Brewer's Blackbird
scorellis: Brewer's Blackbird
scorellis: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
scorellis: Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrel
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Grasshopper Sparrow
scorellis: Eastern Prickly Pear Cactus
scorellis: SC_79422 Rollins and Beach Park
scorellis: Chipping Sparrow
scorellis: Barn Swallow
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Blue Grosbeak
scorellis: Yellow Warbler
scorellis: Yellow Warbler