AZ Birdybird: Crested Caracara-AR5A5518
MDAD1961: Cormorant
gisval: Juvénile gros bec casse noyaux
Graham Pym On/Off: Pigeon portrait
✿ Kerstin Winters Photography ✿: F e i s t y L i t t l e F i g h t e r
rogercollorick: Black headed gull and common tern
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Eurasian Kingfisher ( f )
marieroy0808: Plongeon Huard - Common Loon
Lagier01: El vuelo
Greatoutdoorman: Strange things you see wandering around the garden
athanecon: the lighthouse at dusk
junjiaoyama: sunset 2793
Richard Edwards Photography: Immature - Bald Eagle
PriscillaBurcher: ♀️ Flame-rumped Tanager
PriscillaBurcher: Andean Motmot
Oliveira Pires: Circus aeruginosus
Oliveira Pires: The foot of the Coot
Oliveira Pires: Circus aeruginosus
Oliveira Pires: Coracias garrulus
Marcelo Muñoz R.: Churrin del sur El Yeso Oct 2020_3
frank0schmidt: Fischreiher
Joe Branco: Eastern Meadowlark
nickinthegarden: Nesting material?
Fpoitras: Pygargue à tête blanche / Bald Eagle
Gary Norman Photo: Young Blackbird
AlanHowe :): Steetley Pier
Geir Bakken: In the forest
Greg from Maine: Lake Wassookeag, Maine