Richard Edwards Photography: Northern Shovler
Richard Edwards Photography: Northern Saw-whet Owl -Juvenile
Richard Edwards Photography: A pair of Horned Grebes
Richard Edwards Photography: Bohemian Waxwing hunting
Richard Edwards Photography: Bohemian Waxwings
Richard Edwards Photography: Merganser - Female
Richard Edwards Photography: Merganser - Male
Richard Edwards Photography: Two Common Merganser Males fighting over a female.
Richard Edwards Photography: Yellow Legs _* Explore
Richard Edwards Photography: Great Grey Heron
Richard Edwards Photography: Red-Wattled Lapwing
Richard Edwards Photography: A pair of Lesser Whistling Ducks
Richard Edwards Photography: White-throated Kingfisher
Richard Edwards Photography: Spot-billed Duck
Richard Edwards Photography: Female Pine Grosbeak
Richard Edwards Photography: Greater Yellowlegs
Richard Edwards Photography: Snow Geese in Flight
Richard Edwards Photography: Blue Morph Goose