AlanHowe :): Fungus Rock. Malta.Gozo.
AlanHowe :): Xwejni Salt Pans Gozo
AlanHowe :): Tina in Malta .
AlanHowe :): Watching the setting sun from Dingli Cliffs.Malta July 2024
AlanHowe :): Mdina main gate Malta July 20204
AlanHowe :): Tina, Malta July 2024
AlanHowe :): Malta 2024
AlanHowe :): Church of immaculate conception At the beginning of the 19th century two local fisherman out at sea were caught in a storm , one of them drown after their boat capsized .the surviving fisher man built this small church in thanksgiving for surviving from
AlanHowe :): The Radar station Dingli cliffs Malta just after sunset
AlanHowe :): Pier in Turkey
AlanHowe :): The Cauldron Falls.
AlanHowe :): Trees and Mountains
AlanHowe :): Lone Tree, Rydal Water, Lake District
AlanHowe :): White Moss Common Waterfall Rydal Water Lake District
AlanHowe :): Ashness jetty Derwentwater. lake District. Damaged by the winter storms.
AlanHowe :): Rydal Water, Lake District
AlanHowe :): Tina in the rain.
AlanHowe :): St Marys Church West Rainton.
AlanHowe :): Bluebells and Wild Garlic.
AlanHowe :): Marsden Rock
AlanHowe :): Shot Rock
AlanHowe :): Seaton Carew Wreck.
AlanHowe :): Pink Cherry Blossom Grangetown Cemetery, Sunderland. Looking lush in the setting sun.
AlanHowe :): Seaton Carew Wreck
AlanHowe :): St Mary's Lighthouse
AlanHowe :): Seaton Carew Wreck
AlanHowe :): Seaton Carew Wreck
AlanHowe :): Shipwrecked
AlanHowe :): shipwrecked
AlanHowe :): Seaton Carew Wreck