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Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Ireland)
Anabaptist history, Mary Sue Miller
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (India)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Germany)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Honduras)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Haiti)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Ghana)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (France)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (England)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Egypt)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Denmark)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Costa Rica)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Colombia)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Cairo)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Ecuador)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (China)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Chile)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Bolivia)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Belgium)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Brazil)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Bangladesh)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Afghanistan)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Algeria)
Mennonite Board of Missions Audiovisual (Argentina)
Brenda Aldrich
Orie M. Conrad
Nelson Litwiller
S. Jay Hostettler
Alan Hochstapler
John Z. Friesen
Josephus W. Shank, 1881-1970
Paul L. and Nancy Hernley Conrad
Clayton Beyler: China
Clayton Beyler: India
Barbara Amstutz Hodel
Dale Schum
Irene Hershberger
Jim Short
Mennonite Board of Missions miscellaneous slides of Nepal (1961-1970)
Village Life in Burkina Faso, 1989
John Thut
J.P. Barkman
Erma Birky
Congo photos in the Mennonite Church USA Archive
Glenn and Lorraine Reinford
Paul N. Kraybill
HZ check
Paul A. Kaufman
Eunice Steffen Paul -- no. 2
Eunice Steffen Paul -- no. 1
Ted Springer
Marian Hostetler travel photos at the Mennonite Church USA Archive
Life of Jesus--Marian Hostetler collection at the MCUSA Archive
Dave Holderread
Daniel H. Stoltzfus
Congo Inland Mission
Fanny Schmallenberger
Florence Nafziger
Academia Menonita Betania
MCC post-war relief
Eunice Steffen Paul
PR personnel
Rafael and Christine Falcón
Rose Fuentes
Richard and Ruth Umble
Floyd J. Zehr
Stan and Susan Godshall
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Japan)
James R. Krabill (Ghana)
Wesley Whiteside (Puerto Rico)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Mexico)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Ghana)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Uruguay)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Algeria)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Brazil)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (India)
Richard Rush
John Zimmerly
Eli and Mary Sue Miller
Egypt, Carthage, Cyprus. Marian Hostetler photo at the Mennonite Church USA Archive.
Rollin Welty
Ivan Snyder
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Argentina)
Marian Hostetler (Algeria : 1960--1970)
Lois Marks (Ethiopia : 1950-61)
Linford Bontrager (Kenya : 1998-2004)
Perry J and Lucile Miller (Kenya : 1966-67, 1971-74)
Ron and Sally Milne (Kenya : 1967-70)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Nigeria : 1957-74)
Mennonite Church USA Archive (Puerto Rico : 1947-78)
Frank and Joyce Oyer (Puerto Rico : 1955-58)
Allen Zehr (Puerto Rico : 1950s)
Congo BW prints
Jason S. Martin
Vernon and Irena Sprunger
John Blosser
Marvin Smoker
George and Karen Thompson
Floyd Zehr
Harold Zehr
Clarence Baer
Henry Schmucker
Horace Martin
Stanley Miller
Art and Martini Janz
Elmer P. Weaver
Margarita Will
Amos E. Kreider
David and Naomi Helmuth
H. Clair Amstutz, 1944-47
Jim Bertsche
Luke Birky, 1947-50
Luke Birky (B&W)
Elton Bomberger
John Brandeberry, 1948-51
Paul Brenneman, 1951-53
Homer Burke
Dick Burkholder
John Byler
Lowell Cender, 1953-65
Joanne Church
Ron Collins
Bill Coston
Carl Crandall
Amos Delagrange
Dan and Carrie Diener
John Driver, 1945-48; 1951-65
Robert Ebey
Robert Ehret, 1944-46
Carl Epp, 1943-46
Rohrer Eshleman
Rohrer Eshleman (PR, B&W)
Caleb Frantz
Carl Joseph Fuderer
David C. Furman
David Furman (Colombia)
David Furman (Mexico)
Lavern Gerig
Clayton Gingerich
Paul Gingrich
Carol Glick, 1944-46
Carm and Judy Good
Evelyn Good, 1947-50
Maynard Good, 1949-51
John Grasse
Lawrence Greaser, 1946-47; 1950-71
David & Mary Groh
Rachel Gross
Dwight and Imy Hanawalt
Dwight and Imy Hanawalt
Ellwyn Hartzler, 1946-47
Nathan Hege
Don Heiser, 1956-70
Roy and Glennys Henry
Tillman Hershberger, 1951-53
Dean Hochstetler, 1950-52
Elsie Hoffman Barrett
Justus Holsinger, 1943-46; 1948-52
Maurice Hooley
R.J. Hower, 1946-47; 1954-80
Rod Huebert
Arthur and Gladys Jacobson
Dean Kagarise
Allen Kanagy
Martha Kanagy, 1953-61.
Dale Kaser
Ben Kenagy
John Kidwell
Paul Landis
Paul Landis (Honduras)
Paul Landis (Russia and Armenia)
Melvin Lauver
Paul Lauver, 1945-57
Orpha Leatherman
Orpha Leatherman (Mexico)
Paul Leatherman
Carl Lehman, 1943-45
Elmer Lehman
John Lehman, 1952-56; 1959-61
John Lehman (Ethiopia)
Rudy and Elvina Martens
Allen S. Martin, 1953-55
John Martin, 1946
Jim Miller
Dorsa and Mary Mishler
Kenneth Mullett
John Murray, ca. 1955
Wilbur Nachtigall
Eldo Neufeld
Addona Nissley
Kathy Ortiz
Chester Peckover
Delbert Preheim, 1943-46
Esther Rinner
James Rinner
Dale Roesch
Samuel and Dorcas Rolón
Bea Landis Ruth
Patricia Santiago
Erwin Schrag, 1943-36
Erwin Schrag (Mexico)
Dr Merle and Dorothy Schwartz
Janice Sensenig
Marjorie Shantz
Marvin Sherman
Lee Smith
Jim Snyder, 1952-54
Don Sollenberger
Loren Stichter
Virgil Stoltzfus, 1959-61
N. Paul Stucky, 1943-45
Oliver Stucky, 1948-49
Bill and Thelma Swartzendruber, 1952-54
Fred Swartzendruber, 1949-51
Wayne Swartzendruber, 1950-52
Paul Tieszen, 1946-47
Jim Tomlonson
Charles W. Toth
Dick Weaver, 1944-46
Paul Weaver
Dwight Weldy
Chester Wenger
Gladys Widmer, 1951-81
Gerald Wilson
Leroy and Maxine Yoder, 1960-67
Orris Yoder, 1950-52
Robert Yoder, 1950-54
Warren and Janet Yoder (Brazil)
Warren Yoder (Congo)