telehman99: OMC11--Market scene
telehman99: OMC12--Women washing clothes in river
telehman99: OMC13--Cock fight
telehman99: OMC14--School
telehman99: OMC15--School
telehman99: OMC16--Sisal plant
telehman99: OMC17--Coast
telehman99: OMC18--Two men at water’s edge
telehman99: OMC19--Our spring water
telehman99: OMC20--On the job
telehman99: OMC10--Typical kitchen, woman washing dishes
telehman99: OMC9--Hut, Côtes de fer
telehman99: OMC8--Côtes de fer
telehman99: OMC7--Bus
telehman99: OMC6--Port au Prince bus
telehman99: OMC5--Women carrying loads on heads
telehman99: OMC4--Men standing by VW minibus, Port au Prince
telehman99: OMC3--Woman carrying basket on head, Port au Prince
telehman99: OMC2--People walking on road, carrying loads on heads
telehman99: OMC1--La Citadelle, open gallery with cannons, piles of cannon balls
telehman99: OMC21--Folklore musicians
telehman99: OMC22--Pan American jet on tarmac
telehman99: OMC23--National palace, Port au Prince
telehman99: OMC24--Concrete blocks drying
telehman99: OMC25--Men making concrete blocks
telehman99: OMC26--Boutilliers, view from La Perchoir
telehman99: OMC27--View of houses and hills
telehman99: OMC28--Tour bus
telehman99: OMC29--Albert Schweitzer hospital
telehman99: OMC30--Schweitzer school