telehman99: 26,036--Map of the island of Puerto Rico
telehman99: 26,037--Old nurses dorm and clinic at old project - oct 60
telehman99: 26,038--Old apt buildings - some project members till live here - oct 60
telehman99: 26,039--Old hospital - where I teach school - oct 60
telehman99: 26,040--Castaner hospital - feb 62
telehman99: 26,041--Castaner hospital - dental office on right - sep 61
telehman99: 26,042--Group portrait with Nathan Leopold, second from right
telehman99: 26,043--Tom Nicholson, Ernesto Diaz and Tita - jun 61
telehman99: 26,044--Jim and Tita - jun 61
telehman99: 26,045--Jim in lab - may 91
telehman99: 26,046--Jims crown patient - may 62
telehman99: 26,047--Jims crown patient after - jun 62
telehman99: 26,048--Crown patient - jun 62
telehman99: 26,049--Crown patient - jun 62
telehman99: 26,050--Crown patient - jun 62
telehman99: 26,051--Crown patient - jun 62
telehman99: 26,052--Patient with swollen jaw - may 62
telehman99: 26,053--Partial patient - may 62
telehman99: 26,054--Bringing hammock patient to hospital - nov 61
telehman99: 26,055--Pediatric ward on sun deck - feb 62
telehman99: 26,056--Xmas program in hospital - church ladies - feb 62
telehman99: 26,057--My school kids- Becky Groff, Janice Smith, David Smith, Irvic Frantz - jun 61
telehman99: 26,058--Mother and Dad's jet - nov 61
telehman99: 26,059--In front of our apt - nov 60
telehman99: 26,060--Kris with PR girls - nov 61
telehman99: 26,061--Taken from our front porch - oct 60
telehman99: 26,062--The gang chopping weeds with machetes - church in background - nov 60
telehman99: 26,063--Clouds and Calderon - may 62
telehman99: 26,064--Apt building and Brethren church - nov 61
telehman99: 26,065--Sun going down - hill behind our apt - oct 60