telehman99: 19,772--Butchering pigs, cleaning on table.jpg
telehman99: 19,773--Two men dealing with the intestines at a table.jpg
telehman99: 19,774--Ehret's ambulance in front of La Plata hospital.jpg
telehman99: 19,775--Rabanal clinic early 1957.jpg
telehman99: 19,776--Tractor hauling load of sugarcane in field.jpg
telehman99: 19,777--Two women eating outdoors.jpg
telehman99: 19,778--Bougainvillea covering building at experimental farm.jpg
telehman99: 19,779--Martha Kanagy on boat.jpg
telehman99: 19,780--Experimental farm.jpg
telehman99: 19,781--Picnic near the waterv.jpg
telehman99: 19,782--Parked car and group near water.jpg
telehman99: 19,782--Parked car, picnic at experimental farm.jpg
telehman99: 19,783--Group near the water.jpg
telehman99: 19,784--Group having picnic near water.jpg
telehman99: 19,785--Hotel in Vieques.jpg
telehman99: 19,786--Vieques Baptist mission.jpg
telehman99: 19,787--The group that was here with Ralph in March 1958.jpg
telehman99: 19,788--Car, people, rebar at waters edge.jpg
telehman99: 19,789--Margaret Derstine, Virginia Showalter doing laundry Aug. 1956 at washer powered by scooter.jpg
telehman99: 19,790--Nurses at Aibonito hospital.jpg
telehman99: 19,791--Visitation on a Sunday afternoon.jpg
telehman99: 19,792--Addona's house July 1957 La Plata.jpg
telehman99: 19,793--Group on fishing boat.jpg
telehman99: 19,794--Tarring roof on church at Pulguillas.jpg
telehman99: 19,795--Group visiting a house Penon Dec 1956.jpg
telehman99: 19,796--Shoe shining on sidewalk San Juan Feb. 1957.jpg
telehman99: 19,797--Men and boy looking at newly made church bench.jpg
telehman99: 19,798--Entry to church at Coamo Arriba.jpg
telehman99: 19,799--Nurses Ruth Umble and Gene Shantz holding fish and shark on fishing dock.jpg
telehman99: 19,800--La Plata flamboyant.jpg