telehman99: 4181--A Flowering tree.jpg
telehman99: 4180--Jacintos.jpg
telehman99: 4179--Puerto Rican Poinsetta.jpg
telehman99: 4178--Home of poor family.jpg
telehman99: 4177--royal palms near Castener.jpg
telehman99: 4176--Field of pineapples near Arecibo.jpg
telehman99: 4175--Sugar Cane blossoms near Arecibo.jpg
telehman99: 4174--Delbert Buss John Miller and Willard Sellers.jpg
telehman99: 4173--Wedding of Felix Lizaswain and Isabelita Soto.jpg
telehman99: 4172--wedding of John Kidwell and Eudelia Cordero.jpg
telehman99: 4171--Sharon Haag on first birthday.jpg
telehman99: 4170--View from the back of Ebeys house.jpg
telehman99: 4169--Esthers birthday cake.jpg
telehman99: 4168--Mary and Alice with Goat lemons.jpg
telehman99: 4167--Blanca getting a drink.jpg
telehman99: 4166--Dipping Day.jpg
telehman99: 4165--La Perrita.jpg
telehman99: 4164--Puppy age 1 month.jpg
telehman99: 4164--Jeep road on way to Colons Finca.jpg
telehman99: 4163--High water after a rain.jpg
telehman99: 4162--Hills near Castener.jpg
telehman99: 4161--Coffee drying at Castener.jpg
telehman99: 4160--Coffee berries.jpg
telehman99: 4159--Coffee blossoms.jpg
telehman99: 4158--The clubs have a picnic.jpg
telehman99: 4157--Ploughing at the Brethren Academy.jpg
telehman99: 4156--Starting back down Vesper hill after Easter Service.jpg
telehman99: 4155--Violet Harris the Outpatient Department Nurse.jpg
telehman99: 4154--A country school near Castener.jpg
telehman99: 4153--Giving worm medicine in one-room school.jpg