20x25: Z0230192
20x25: SDQ_0351
carlo tardani: 2019 - Apri la tua porta alla pace
astroGatta: inside Xmas
pieceoflace photography: Twelve Days of Christmas - Day 2
*Capture the Moment* thx for over 50 mil views: Window Shopping II - Photo # 18 of Christmas Series
jean louis billault: l'oiseau bleu
JeanJoachim: Troglodyte mignon
Cosper Wosper: Starlings {explored}
Frank Shufelt: Horseshoe Bend
kirkbrideleo: _8507614
After-the-Rain: And there was light
SASPhotography67: Moose Snow-globe...{Explored}
andyrousephotography: Sycamore Gap (Explore late entry 31/10/18 #1)
Graham Winterflood: St Andrew's Cross (Argiope keyserlingi)
Claudia Pino: Flor blanca del Cosmos
Adam Bonn: Big Bad Waves
sosivov: Feuille de chêne
astrofan80: Dark Red Dune
shastamax: Triple Decker
Le Beux Pascal: --- Embrasement sur les pêcheries ---
Sabine-Barras: Le nombril du monde...
The-Hawk: File Eared Frog
RKop: Bushtit (Female) (EXPLORE, Oct 28 2018 #10)
Earl Reinink: Little blue, a little white
roy rimmer: Winter Starling project.