RKop: Your moment of Zen
RKop: Sphinx caterpillar with great crested flycatcher
RKop: Great Crested flycatcher
RKop: Great Crested flycatcher
RKop: Grasshopper sparrow
RKop: Tree swallow (EXPLORE, July 21 2024, #477 )
RKop: Blue grosbeak
RKop: Blue grosbeak
RKop: Blue Grosbeak in flight
RKop: Blue Grosbeak
RKop: Bullfinch
RKop: Bullfinch, female
RKop: Bullfinch, female
RKop: Bullfinch
RKop: Bullfinch
RKop: Bullfinch, male
RKop: Eurasian Barn Swallow
RKop: Eurasian Barn Swallow
RKop: House Martins
RKop: House Martins
RKop: House Martins
RKop: Puffins
RKop: Puffins
RKop: Puffins
RKop: Northern Fulmar
RKop: Puffin coming out of a dive
RKop: Northern Fulmar
RKop: House wren (EXPLORE, July 5 2024; #112)
RKop: Twins
RKop: Red wing blackbird