Steven Arvid Gerde: 1B8A9266 - Trim
Steven Arvid Gerde: 01272025Bittern 1B8A9373
Mike Gass: Hooded Merganser Antics
72Prep: no words
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 31/365 in 2025
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Dance to the music
Mr_Tambourine_Man: Mt Adams (small)
violarosa1: Nanga Parbat 8.126m with Fairy Meadows
flintframer: Frozen friend
jlcummins: Wood Ducks
Hammerchewer: STAGgering sunrise
I owe my soul...: Light keeper's house
I owe my soul...: Belief based on belief, or belief based on facts.
Sabrina Aspinall: Valley of Fire
jlcummins: Spotted Towhee (female)
klewis4848: Mt. Rainier/Tahoma with a lenticular cloud above her peak on a crisp 27 degree morning!
jlcummins: Common Mergansers, Yakima River Canyon
jlcummins: Red-tailed Hawk. Moe Road, Ellensburd
jlcummins: Bald Eagle, Yakima Canyon
jlcummins: Great Blue Heron walking on thin ice
jlcummins: Red-tailed Hawk, Kittitas Valley
jlcummins: Piebald Dark-eyed Junco
jlcummins: Cottontail Rabbit, Vantage, WA
jlcummins: Big bull elk
BITH*: Halo.
Hammerchewer: Short-eared Owl
Hammerchewer: Little Owl
Mike Gass: Getting A Bite