klewis4848: Burnside Bridge crossing the Willamette River
klewis4848: The Dancing Tree!
klewis4848: Purple Foxglove (digitalis purpurea)
klewis4848: Orange Dahlia
klewis4848: Flowering Onion Flower
klewis4848: Sunday Morning Walk Around Waughop Lake
klewis4848: Sweet Pea Flowers on a Fence
klewis4848: Blue Bigleaf Hydrangea
klewis4848: Herb Robert ((aka Robert Geranium, Crow's Foot, Squinter-pip, Fox geranium, Stinky Bob, and even more!)
klewis4848: Mt. Rainier/Tahoma, July 4, 2024
klewis4848: Backyard Buddha
klewis4848: Early Morning Rainy Walk in the Woods - Foxglove (aka digitalis purpurea)
klewis4848: "Welcome to my little section of the forest" said the friendly Oregon Grape!
klewis4848: The Itsy Bitsy Spider - this little garden cross spider, between two bushes out front, is about 3/8" in size
klewis4848: Saltars Point looking south down Cormorant Passage
klewis4848: Morning Walk in the Woods
klewis4848: Magnifcent Morning View of Mt. Rainier/Tahoma with a cover of lenticular clouds at her peak!
klewis4848: View Along the Foss Waterway Seaport
klewis4848: What a Day What a View!
klewis4848: St. Patrick's Catholic Church Steeple against a beautiful sky
klewis4848: Steilaccom-Anderson Island Ferry and Ferry Terminal
klewis4848: Evening Walk in the Woods - Beaked Hazelnut on a Beaked Hazelnut shrub
klewis4848: Lion's Tail (Leonitis menthifolia)
klewis4848: Astrantia maxima
klewis4848: Golden Hour Sunset
klewis4848: Fence on a Country Road on a Beautiful Morning!
klewis4848: Fiddlehead Western Sword Fern!
klewis4848: Streilacoom-Anderson Island Ferry on the return run from Anderson Island!
klewis4848: Panoramic View Looking Out on Parts of Steilacoom and South Puget Sound on a Very Beautiful Day!
klewis4848: Morning Walk on a Country Road