72Prep: reflecting on time
72Prep: Spring as Fall
72Prep: Bugleweed
72Prep: what's in your window..
72Prep: Marina
72Prep: I should have swept up before I invited you over.
72Prep: City Center
72Prep: Battery Point
72Prep: anchoring the beach
72Prep: beach layers
72Prep: Thrust reversers engaged
72Prep: Ever greens
72Prep: The Hickman
72Prep: Whitehorse to Three Fingers
72Prep: Constance
72Prep: winter grasses
72Prep: one of the many
72Prep: lone boat
72Prep: The work of William
72Prep: Ben Ure Spit
72Prep: raindrops
72Prep: break through
72Prep: spring on the way
72Prep: Brants
72Prep: Sometimes is four