delesalle: Nobility: Mountain Horse of Alberta
bsloan: Wallace Monument
Ted Smith 574: Bathtime argument.
So.FiP: Le heron garde des veaux
Stoates-Findhorn: Abstact at Urr
Short Wavelength: Green-winged Teal-PWS-5660
Short Wavelength: Roseate Spoonbill-PWS-4146
Tom Mortenson: The Chickadee
Short Wavelength: Green-winged Teal-PWS-2347
Tobias Rengers: Sibirischer Uhu
Short Wavelength: Pied-billed Grebe-GC-1101766
johnatkins2008: Herring Gull 21/11/24.
rogercollorick: Kingfisher
Short Wavelength: Canada Warbler-PP-1108468
fotodave22: DSP08828 - Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Short Wavelength: Gray-cheeked Thrush-PP-1107556
wildwest photo: Great-horned Owls
uluqui: Christian Moullec in flight with his geese
Short Wavelength: Red-eyed Vireo-LKNA-1105213
Bernard Spragg: The silvereye or wax-eye.
ecwillet: young green heron
fotodave22: DSP08765 - Long Tailed Tit (Aegithalos caudatus)
swmartz: American Goldfinch
Short Wavelength: Great Crested Flycatcher-HLR-1105387
fotodave22: DSP08735 - Hooded Merganser ♀ (Lophodytes cucullatus)
southham: Dickkopffalter3
Short Wavelength: Long-billed Dowitcher-BFR-1109250