Philip Rathner:
This loggerhead Shrike was flying in with a large piece of nesting material!
Philip Rathner:
Black-crowned Night Heron flying back to its nesting area!
Philip Rathner:
This loggerhead Shrike Fledgling, snatched an insect
Philip Rathner:
Great egrets fighting over a nesting area!
Philip Rathner:
Yellow-rumped Warbler in flight, trying to catch an insect!
Philip Rathner:
This loggerhead Shrike snatched a Brown Anole!
Philip Rathner:
This Bunny was munching on something!
Philip Rathner:
This Common Tern was about to dive for a fish!
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Ha ha, says the Cormorant. I got the fish!
Philip Rathner:
This Turn was diving for a fish, but guess who got there first!
Philip Rathner:
Great Horned Owl hears lookin' at you!
Philip Rathner:
This male Loggerhead Shrike flew in and presented it's mate a Brown Anole and Then!
Philip Rathner:
Great Blue Heron!
Philip Rathner:
This Great Blue Heron was arranging nestling material!
Philip Rathner:
This Great Egret was on full display!
Philip Rathner:
Black-crowned Night Heron flying in with nesting material!
Philip Rathner:
This Blue-gray Gnatcatcher is about to snatch a Wolf spider that was in a bush carrying its egg sack!
Philip Rathner:
This loggerhead Shrike snatched a female Wolf spider with an egg sack!
Philip Rathner:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher snatching an insect!
Philip Rathner:
_Anticipation_ This loggerhead Shrike is about to feed it's nestlings a Mole Cricket!
Philip Rathner:
loggerhead shrike feeding its chicks a Brown Anole!
Philip Rathner:
loggerhead Shrike feeding its nestling!
Philip Rathner:
This loggerhead Shrike is about to feed its nestling a Beetle! July 2024
Philip Rathner:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher snatching an insect!
Philip Rathner:
Cormorants starting build a nest!
Philip Rathner:
One of the loggerhead Shrike fledglings was about to fly off with the leg of a small bird that the adult had given to it. The other fledgling was not happy about it!
Philip Rathner:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher diving after an insect!
Philip Rathner:
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher snatching an insect in flight!
Philip Rathner:
This Painted Bunting was munching on seeds!
Philip Rathner:
loggerhead Shrike feeding its fledgling an insect!