cantilena91: Saturday's Surprise Sky Show II
Geert Weggen: Red Squirrel, squirrel, Sciurus vulgaris, Eurasian red squirrel, Sweden
louisferries: Bouvreuil pivoine
belas62: Athene noctua, Κουκουβάγια, Little Owl
Bill McDonald 2016: Snow Buntings
Todd Aki: One thing to check off my wish list.
Tuffy Robson: Common Buzzard.
Origma: Egernia saxatilis intermedia
Andy Morffew: Robin
ihikesandiego: Hard Charging
aproksyma_cja: It's National Squirrel Appreciation Day (January 21)!
Steve (englishgolfer): sunset 9th jan
peterspencer49: Kestrels
SKeysImages: SKimmer190703bCS
RB@photography: Osprey caught lunch!
KaAuenwasser: Bitte nicht stören
Jim Zenock: 204A5380_DxO
VladimirTro: Squrrel in the fog
michafink: Turmfalke
vbernamont: Hey you
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Hibou des marais - Short eared owl
pete.croft1: Bearded reedling
Barbara Evans 7: Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (Juvenile)
Joan Rigo Arnavat: Falco tinnunculus
J P Watson Photography: Colourful Kingfisher
legoman1691: Goldfinch on teasel
arnicadesembets: et parce qu'il n'y a pas que les blondes....une belle brune ! European Robin
marylee.agnew: Super Fox