romangorielov: Twilight
romangorielov: Ice Breath
romangorielov: Eiffel Tower
romangorielov: Flashback
romangorielov: Chateau De Pierrefonds
romangorielov: The Dark Shadows Of The Past
Ian@NZFlickr: Shoots leaves not eaten
donovan_terry: "I'm cute and I know it"
wernerlohmanns: bei der Nahrunrssuche
Paul McGoveran: Sandhill Crane 6876
l.acbs.(gracias 6.8 millones visitas): Muflón (Ovis gmelini).
Charaxes14: Boloria eunomia
Paul McGoveran: Snowy Owl 9161
ksblack99: White Ibis
hfngo99: Coming Your Way
erwin.koeckerandl.ek: Winter an der Rott
Selectivebits: Cold Morning Sunshine
Selectivebits: Running Downhill
Wild Pixel Safaris: The Yellow-necked Beauty!
JLS@Photos: Portrait, Eurasian Spoonbill, Spatule blanche
Wild Pixel Safaris: Stilt fishing at Sunrise!
R. Engelsman: Sarcoscypha coccinea
Jens Schröter: Samtfußrübling im Eis
donovan_terry: Precious pygmy
Thomas Retterath: Ready to fish
markbanks865: Mum's Rose
donovan_terry: Nuthatch plans next move
donovan_terry: Freaky ranunculus