lokiblacksheep: DBG_5062
ecwillet: she does not seem impressed
paul.porral: Busard des roseaux - Circus aeruginosus - Western Marsh Harrier
Greatoutdoorman: Taking a breather
Juan Rosique: Actitudes juveniles - Youthful attitudes
Thierry Pargny: Pic épeiche 0Q4A8094
patricia.hoedts: Becplaner comu - Espatula comun - Eurasian spoonbill - Spatule blanche - Platalea leucorodia
Doug Greenberg: Western meadowlark
Michael W Potter: Brown-headed Cowbird juvenile on shore
Mike_FL: Black-necked Stilt
Michael W Potter: Chestnut-backed Chickadee
Michael W Potter: Pacific Wren juvenile
Sharon Cunio: Flying higher and higher.
rumerbob: Sora Rail.
Enjoy Nature Today: Spreading its wings. Turkey Vulture. Texas
Enjoy Nature Today: Eastern Bluebird high up in a pine tree. Texas
Enjoy Nature Today: Great Blue Heron. Texas
libertus.polling: Piranga rubra
Max Van Horne: belted kingfisher
Max Van Horne: hermit thrush
ricklebaudour: Immature Harris's Hawk
mpluzier: Ouch! Can’t imagine landing on those spines your whole life. Curved-billed Thrasher, Cholla cactus, Arizona #cactus #chollacactus #cactus🌵 #arizonadesert #sonorandesert #birds_illife #birds_nature #naturelife
johnbarnesphotographyca.com: Eastern Bluebird
Mark_65: cincia dal ciuffo
Bob's Bird Photography: Grasshopper Warbler
Bob Gunderson: Ospreey
miketabak: Oriental Turtle-Dove
Philip Rathner: loggerhead Shrikes "I told you to keep your beak closed after I feed you!"
Mark_65: gru