sunny-drunk: "Stairs"...........#1571...........2015
booksin: VVVVV
jurek d. (Jerzy Durczak): Black betweenity
Frans Nijland: The terminal
pete gardner: battersea park
simplymr.holz: foot at rest
Klaus Ressmann: Vista.jpg
Leon.vanKemenade: On the River
Angeline -on-off: Abwärts -
bernard.saubot: Urban abstract
caltechscooby: Urban minimalism
msdonnalee: geo-blue
Carl Vanassche: DSC_6435
tapatim: left side out
Kai Ros: A Very Geometric Bangkok - a.1
stu ART photo: Berlin, Germany
tapatim: small white
bernard.saubot: Urban abstract
Carl Vanassche: IMG_2631
tapatim: szenenwexel
Carl Vanassche: IMG_6924
Docaron: Furrows of Light
Traveller_40: Darker from the center of the top floor
SkyeWeasel: Poppies
Martin Horton : The Daily Commute, Kashmiri Style
Foot Loose 2012 (Greg): Downtown-XVI_84A7173-1
SteffenTuck: | b i g . s h a d e | 2018