JOSEF.LIM: A1_05788
Eros Penatti: Garzette
Kerguélen31: Bucorve d'Abyssinie femelle à l'envol
philippe.soriano: A Hooded Merganser hen, rising
dcstep: Watch Out
Laval Roy: 1.07442 Loddigésie admirable (mâle immature) / Loddigesia mirabilis / Marvelous Spatuletail / Colibrí Cola de Espátula
Vladimir Vulf: DSC01185
joomjim: Lunch time
der_peste (on/off): The Essence Of Autumn
Frank van Dongen: Cats of Granny Smith
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-20-10199-Dasypoda hirtipes Male
Jeffrey Balfus (thx 19M views): Center of attention
kleiner_eisbaer_75: A magical moment with this dreamy-looking gannet
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-24-0672-Apis mellifera
David Lea Kenney: The Last Days of Summer
NRE: Flying honey bee on mahonia
NRE: Flying honey bee
David Brooker: Honey Bee
David Brooker: Honey Bee
lennycarl08: Pollen Collecting
Rich33584: Flying Bee
David Lea Kenney: The Great Grey
Claude@Munich: M33 - Triangulum Galaxy with satellite trail / Dreiecksgalaxie mit Satellitenspur
Stephen G Nelson: Aviary: Cape Thick-knee
Tony Varela Photography: Northern Harrier (Circus hudsonius)
parmrussrap: Snowy Egret Just Before Sunset
Insektenflug: Rolf Nagel-Fl-21-0961-Calidris alba