pixelia2: L'inconnue.
Jo Evans - off and on for a while: Dewdrops on gossamer threads
Elyane11: Les maillons de la chaîne et le Maillon Faible
PsJeremy: Candle infront of the tree
PsJeremy: Candle in the dark
PsJeremy: Presidential guards - Taipei
PsJeremy: CKS- memorial square
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Sex: the thing that takes up the least amount of time....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: In the duel of sex, woman fights from a dreadnaught....
Zara Calista: Anna's Hummingbird
Christine_S.: pink azaleas
Christine_S.: white cosmos
hu3rt: Daisy
peggyhr: Walking in a Winter Wonderland! (+1)
ladybugdiscovery: Golden Duck
Sultan Sultani: Breakfast
Mobile Lynn: Golden Jackal 504_2819.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Pied Flycatcher with food for the chicks 850_7788.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Hairy Woodpecker 904_4528.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Bee-eater 904_1068.jpg
Lesley~B: SOLD
Bob the Birdman and All Around Nature Guy: Repetobasidiaceae mushroom
De Rode Olifant: Origami Fiery Dragon (Kade Chan)
Thelma Gátuzzô: Black-and-gold Cotinga (male - endemic)
Marian Kloon (on and off): The closed door