ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The photograph is an undeniably powerful medium. Free from the constraints of language....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: My life is shaped by the urgent need to wander and observe....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: When people ask what equipment I use ....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The world is one huge canvas....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: If you shift your mindset from photographing 'things', towards photographing 'light'....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The most important lessons I have learnt on the 'road' to becoming a photographer....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Light is the stuff which holds a photograph together....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Some people like to hit little white balls into holes in the ground....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Your camera will record what it sees or....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: A camera exposes more than just an image....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: You are the conductor ~ Your orchestra are shapes, textures, stories, objects, patterns, emotions, design, moments, depth, focus, rhythm, shades, colour, movement and light....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Laugh, love, dream, strive, smile, feel, joy, look, try, fail, read, walk, search, share, help, work, fun, learn, retry, sweat, cry, rest, wait, fear, hope, trust, pride....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Beware of the camera with all the smart technology....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Photography can be three steps forward, two steps back, hit a tall wall, can't go over....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Don't always control the making of a picture... let go....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: If you see something beautiful, take a picture of it....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: You don't need the most expensive camera....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: A photograph shines a light....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: It never ceases to amaze me how beautiful this world is… yet it is so easy to miss that beauty when our lives are so busy....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: It can be a difficult journey to live a creative life, if you live within an environment....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Open your eyes and open your heart....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: I stand watching. Waiting. I am alone, but I am not lonely....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Just walking. Painting pictures in my mind. Shades of light. Shapes and textures. The eye is drawn. The camera drawn....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: I have never run a workshop, but my first lesson would be, let's meet by waters edge at sunrise but leave your camera be....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: The water rolls, the clouds move and light reflects off all it touches....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Many photographers photograph the world the way it is....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: If you stop photographing things....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: Why can’t a photograph be all four things at once? -be an art object; be a document, what ever that means exactly....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: To see something spectacular and recognise it as a photographic possibility is not making a very big leap....
ira tucker, thanks for 10 million views: There’s something arbitrary about taking a picture. So I can stand at the edge of a highway and take one step forward....