johnatkins2008: Great Egret at Dusk 25/04/24.
jean-mie: Petite Sigale
Mobile Lynn: Kerria 502_8318.jpg
AllHarts: Tufted Titmouse
edmonsa2: IMG_20240402_151501
brianhenham: Kingfisher with fish
beeton_bear: Spur-winged_Lapwing_WEB2_F4A1810
Diane G. Zooms---Mostly Off: Are you looking at me? Female Red-bellied Woodpecker
Linda Martin Photography: Grey Headed Swamp Hen
DoctoredbyNancy: Moosehead Lake, Maine
George Ino: Winter 2024 0294
N.Clark: Downy Woodpecker
Pat's Pics36: Red and Yellow Rose
wildlife dave: having a little cuddle
jmaphotography: A BLACK PHOEBE ... (DSC_2819)
Mobile Lynn: Successful Dive 800_1143.jpg
wildlife dave: singing Robin
Hottentotfig: Sun worshippers.
albert.herbigneaux1: Pinsons des arbres,combat, Chaffinches, fighting
helenehoffman: Family Heron
littleMarcus: gatorina III
isteeves: Japanese Boy and Shiba Inu Dog Portrait
Svetlana May: Anglo-Russian Hound / Русская пегая гончая
xaviergomezbusquets: Sopresa. surprised, Nieva.
vincenzo_russo3: Sun caught between the branches....night posponed?
micksensei22: Carouge à épaulette