Keith Wee: IMG_3504
schyter: bio-gas ;/)
Zeb Andrews: Above Drangarnir
efo: No parking in front of
tsiklonaut: Indifference
lawatt: Tracy hiking down the crest of Mýrafell, last week
lawatt: it’s chilly this morning (4°C!), but blue skies are back again, after a very rainy weekend
lawatt: Klänge scarf
gato-gato-gato: walking the dog
lawatt: George and the sunshine, from yesterday
lawatt: a morning’s effort
Nesster: Ortofon RS-212 Tonearm 1968
Daiku_San: Self Portrait with Zorki-4
Herr Benini: .cos'è la giovinezza in fondo cosa doveva essere
Gianfranco Princigalli: Barrios de La Habana - Cuba
lawatt: Sæból, a week ago
D_M_J: WastWater_LF_FOMA_03
lawatt: Mom & I hiked to Valagil this morning
sanshiro.kubota: The Colony
sanshiro.kubota: England in the wilderness
cobbu2: The Watchman