lawatt: undaunted, George wades into the snow…
lawatt: yesterday’s commute
lawatt: today’s the day that the holiday lights go back up in the windows…
lawatt: 12:40pm sunrise
lawatt: the pool is suddenly looking extra-festive
lawatt: a certain someone braving cold toes (-10° this morning!) to check out the local goings-on…
lawatt: ok, insomnia has some side benefits…
lawatt: a day of in-and-out of gentle snowshowers…
lawatt: welcome to Þingeyri
lawatt: weighty
lawatt: this place…
lawatt: pinky-pretty afternoon
lawatt: out for a walk while the sun is out too…
lawatt: 11:40am sunrise
lawatt: new cardigan
lawatt: sun trying to peek through clouds, and my first foray of the snow-shoveling season…
lawatt: and just like that…
lawatt: a long hard drive
lawatt: Mjólkárvirkjun running strong, yesterday
lawatt: no rain for a day
lawatt: clearing skies this morning
lawatt: soooooo much rain
lawatt: windy-rainy day
lawatt: the Gothic road, from a week ago…
lawatt: wiley & india
lawatt: dislodged
lawatt: today
lawatt: storm door
lawatt: casualty of last night’s wild winds
lawatt: stormy-stormy