przemo.chronic: Black-headed gull
sladey's photo's: Marsh Tit
davidlawrence15: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
ingolf8: 24 09 25 gemeine wespe c astrhori 3zu1
eric-d at Buzzard in Flight
mpmark: Sandhill Cranes, Ontario
Dave Krueper: Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) _DSC7352
Dave Krueper: Snow Bunting (Plectrophenax nivalis) -Enhanced-NR
Philip Rathner: loggerhead Shrike takes flight with a large Brown Anole!
Phil on Skye: Juvenile Ringed Plover
Alvaro Colombo: Lanius cabanisi / Averla Dorsonero
Dirk Hessels: King Vulture | Koningsgier | Königsgeier, (Sarcoramphus Papa)
A. Olech: Red-backed shrike
Alexandre Milan: Bulbul tricolore - Dark-capped bulbul
georgehart64: Swallow
georgehart64: Short Eared Owl
georgehart64: Puffin in the rain
Enjoy Nature Today: Red Beauty. Northern Cardinal. Texas
George Cruz // White bellied Woodstar (f)
Jambo Jambo: Chi l'ha visto? - Who saw it?
erindurant42: August photo dump.
Frans.Sellies: Red-wattled lapwing (Vanellus indicus)
Bezzzman: Australian Kookaburra
baechli58: Goshawk
Jmawnster: Barn Swallow (White-bellied) - Hirundo rustica rustica
AeroEdge: Gaviota/Seagull spread wings