Dirk Hessels:
Common Blue Butterfly | Icarusblauwtje | Hauhechel-Bläuling, (Polyommatus icarus)
Dirk Hessels:
Great Crested Grebe | Fuut | Haubentaucher, (Podiceps Cristatus)
Dirk Hessels:
Great Crested Grebe | Fuut | Haubentaucher, (Podiceps Cristatus)
Dirk Hessels:
Kingfisher | IJsvogel | Eisvogel, (Alcedo Atthis)
Dirk Hessels:
Kingfisher | IJsvogel | Eisvogel, (Alcedo Atthis)
Dirk Hessels:
Wheatear | Tapuit | Steinschmätzer, (Oenanthe oenanthe)
Dirk Hessels:
Common Firecrest | Vuurgoudhaantje | Goldhähnchen, (Regulus Ignicapilla)
Dirk Hessels:
Common Firecrest | Vuurgoudhaantje | Goldhähnchen, (Regulus Ignicapilla)
Dirk Hessels:
Sunset at the Northsea at the Brouwersdam (Zeeland/Zuid-Holland)
Dirk Hessels:
Hellevoetsluis marina located on the Haringvliet
Dirk Hessels:
Hellevoetsluis lighthouse located on the Haringvliet
Dirk Hessels:
Purple Sandpiper | Paarse Strandloper | Meerstrandläufer, (Calidris maritima)
Dirk Hessels:
Kestrel | Torenvalk | Turmfalke, (Falco tinnunculus)
Dirk Hessels:
Barn Swallow | Boerenzwaluw | Rauchschwalbe, (Hirundo rustica)
Dirk Hessels:
Barn Swallow | Boerenzwaluw | Rauchschwalbe, (Hirundo rustica)
Dirk Hessels:
Chilean Flamingo | Chileense Flamingo | Chile-Flamingo, (Phoenicopterus Chilensis)
Dirk Hessels:
Red Admiral | Atallanta | Admiral, (Vanessa Atalanta)
Dirk Hessels:
Common Brimstone | Citroenvlinder | Zitronenfalter, (Gonepteryx rhamni)
Dirk Hessels:
Bearded Reedling | Baardmannetje | Bartmeise, (Panurus Biarmicus)
Dirk Hessels:
Bearded Reedling | Baardmannetje | Bartmeise, (Panurus Biarmicus)
Dirk Hessels:
Green Sandpiper | Witgat | Waldwasserläufer, (Tringa Ochropus)
Dirk Hessels:
Green Sandpiper | Witgat | Waldwasserläufer, (Tringa Ochropus)
Dirk Hessels:
Green Sandpiper | Witgat | Waldwasserläufer, (Tringa Ochropus)
Dirk Hessels:
Brown-lipped Snail | Gewone Tuinslak | Schwarzmündige Bänderschnecke, (Cepaea Nemoralis)
Dirk Hessels:
Iodine Bonnet | Draadsteelmycena | Fadenhelmling, (Mycena Filopes)
Dirk Hessels:
Iodine Bonnet | Draadsteelmycena | Fadenhelmling, (Mycena Filopes)
Dirk Hessels:
Iodine Bonnet | Draadsteelmycena | Fadenhelmling, (Mycena Filopes)
Dirk Hessels:
Meadow Pipit | Graspieper | Wiesenpieper, (Anthus pratensis)
Dirk Hessels:
Meadow Pipit | Graspieper | Wiesenpieper, (Anthus pratensis)
Dirk Hessels:
Meadow Pipit | Graspieper | Wiesenpieper, (Anthus pratensis)