Kim Simonsen1: Grand Canyon
Timothy.Raymond: Bald eagle
rvk82: Lovely wave action
phillip 13: through the trees
peterwaller: End of Day (Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada) (5597C)
Clickpix: Sunrise
Lesleyanne Ryan: Kansas Sound and Light Show
CoronaViking (mountain photography): Untouched Wilderness of New Zealand
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Tourbillon d'automne / Autumn Swirl
Louis Lessard - Passion nature: Route sinueuse du Parc national de la Mauricie / Winding road in La Mauricie National Park Faucon crécerelle Faucon crécerelle Martin pêcheur d'Europe
Pierre Lemieux: Gros-bec errant / Evening Grosbeak
yvescourt123: Parc du réservoir Beaudet !
marinagermain78: Cardinal rouge - Northern Cardinal DSC03097-Mod.jpg
P.Bonenfant: Eastern Bluebird - Merlebleu de l'Est
dwb838: Barred Owl
danielhopkin73: Barn owl at dusk.
danielhopkin73: Long eared owl at dusk.
NobleNumbat: Lòin nan Sìthichean
Gf220warbler: Coyote
cginettelemieux: Le chemin de l'hiver
Ronny The Rooster: Pine Marten by Tree!
SASPhotography67: Happy Moose Monday! ❄️❄️❄️
P.Bonenfant: Northern hawk owl - Chouette épervière
jdpdata1: Bald Eagle
kleiner_eisbaer_75: long exposure on a cloudy day at Estrahorn