Heffordphoto: Barred Owl
*Darlene*: I can't utter even one single word to build upon the enchantment of a vision such as this, as the sights, sounds and scents of it already fill the framework entirely, so I'll just leave that up to all of your refined flights of imagination. (EXPLORE)
*Darlene*: Even when snagging a fish isn't in the cards, or the building winds are beginning to ripple the water's surface, and the random clouds are fortelling the dimming of the warming sun, there's still no better place to spend a measure of time than right here.
Sykes Jeff: Male Sparrowhawk, Scotland UK.
pierre pesant: CHOUETTE RAYÉE / BARRED OWL (Strix varia)
sylvainharnois: 2024-08-16-07
Céline Boilard: Chouette rayée \ Barred Owl
Scott Sessions: Female peregrine falcon with a blue jay breakfast.
Scott Sessions: A female Barred owl with fall colors.
marinagermain78: Chouette rayée - Barred Owl DSC00294-Mod.jpg
jaxsens: Pileated woodpecker
jaxsens: Great horned owl
jaxsens: Great gray owl
jaxsens: Great horned owl with a bit of snow coming through the lush green spruce trees
Tomingramphotography.com: Polar Bear (Explored 11-21-24)
Paul McGoveran: Gyrfalcon 4459
sylvainharnois: Barred Owl
SASPhotography67: Wood Duck Wednesday…
Bay State Paul: Snowy Owl
Andrea Lelio Photo: Lago Federa, Dolomiti, Italy
trawson58: Barn Owl
richard.robert999: Cerf de Virginie / White-tailed Deer / 2024-11-18 OM104864-V.jpg
marinagermain78: Renard roux - Red Fox DSC07432-Mod.jpg
Éric B.: Old Dodge Polara?
VRS WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY: Red squirrel Northumberland
P.Bonenfant: Greater yellowlegs - Grand chevalier
sherrihendricks98: Pondering The Next Fish