dwb838: Osprey - calling to father from nest
dwb838: Great Blue Heron
dwb838: Barred Owl {adult}
dwb838: Barred Owlet
dwb838: Pileated Woodpecker preparimg nest
dwb838: Barred Owl Owlets
dwb838: Easterrn Screech Owl[Adult}
dwb838: Red Fox Vixen
dwb838: Barred Owlet
dwb838: Common Loon with chicks
dwb838: Barred Owlets "Time to get up"
dwb838: Barred Owlet with snake for supper
dwb838: Barred Owlets- different poses
dwb838: Barred Owlets
dwb838: Barred Owlet Siblings - tender moment
dwb838: Barred Owlet in forest
dwb838: Barred Owl Owlets
dwb838: Eastern Screech Owl Owlets
dwb838: eastern Screech Owl - red-morph adult
dwb838: Adult Barred Owl hunting
dwb838: Eastern Screech Owls - Mother brings dragonfly to 6 owlets.
dwb838: Barred Owl Mother
dwb838: Green Heron walks along small branch, which sinks down due to weight of heron, while fishing.
dwb838: Great Blue Heron shaking to dry off after the rain
dwb838: Snapping Turtle laying eggs on a rainy morning
dwb838: Barred Owl Couple sharing secrets
dwb838: Barred Owlet Saga conclusion- has managed to extricate himself from tree and has dropped safely to forest floor
dwb838: Adult Barred Owl -watching owlet try to disentangle himself from branch
dwb838: Barred Owlet Saga cont.- Barred Owlet calls for parents and continues to stuggle to free himelf
dwb838: Barred Owlet Saga cont.- Barred Owlet loses grip to top of branch {see previous image] and plunges downwards only to get tangled up in lower branches of nearby tree. Struggles to free herself and fall to ground