Ronny The Rooster: Osprey with Golden Koi!-
Ronny The Rooster: Northern Lights with extra lighting!
Ronny The Rooster: Ma Eagle Leaves Nest!
Ronny The Rooster: Fawn 3 days old!
Ronny The Rooster: Male Bobolink takes off!
Ronny The Rooster: Red Winged Black Bird Takes Off!-
Ronny The Rooster: Shortie Standing Sentinel !
Ronny The Rooster: Northern Lights
Ronny The Rooster: Northern Lights!
Ronny The Rooster: Northern Lights!
Ronny The Rooster: "Opps...I'll put you right back! Scarlet Tananger
Ronny The Rooster: Shortie... 'Don't look @ camera!'
Ronny The Rooster: Common Water Snake! Insect hitchin a ride!
Ronny The Rooster: Yellow Headed Blackbird!
Ronny The Rooster: Fox with old meal!
Ronny The Rooster: Osprey Brings Part Fish to Mama!
Ronny The Rooster: Female Great Horned Owl @ Nest!-
Ronny The Rooster: Male Turkey in Full Strut!
Ronny The Rooster: Total Eclipse #2
Ronny The Rooster: Total Eclipse Apr.8th 2024
Ronny The Rooster: Male Wood Ducks!
Ronny The Rooster: Male Pintail Banking!
Ronny The Rooster: Beauty of White American Pelican!
Ronny The Rooster: Grey Wolves
Ronny The Rooster: White American Pelicans!
Ronny The Rooster: Black Billed Magpie Flying
Ronny The Rooster: White American Peleicans
Ronny The Rooster: Raven Affection!
Ronny The Rooster: Bald Eagles on ice!
Ronny The Rooster: Horned Lark!