President Of Ukraine: We are 730 days closer to victory – address by the President of Ukraine.
Anita Schwegler: What is the name of the game?
tucker.tterence: Liverpool
joshjohnsonphoto: Piccadilly Puddles
m@thilde.: Soir d’été - summer evenings
m@thilde.: Le chat
drrolfrfink: Stones on the Beach
Mr. Happy Face - Peace :): Who's Coming for Dinner ?
Daniel Krieger Photography: Japanese Whiskey
joshjohnsonphoto: Got You Covered
ber52: Untitled (Remix)
rohnerstefan: Luzerner Quai
Julio López Saguar: Industrial landscape
roll the dice: Lets Go For A Walk
gryphon569: Below stairs
jgokoepke: NGC 5139 Omega Centauri
loudstone: Licht und Wasser Black & White, Night Time, (Northern Goldsmiths) The Rolex Building, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear, England.
Jack Landau: Massey Hall
Florin Cee: One Thousand Museum
Northwoods Apparition: Beardtongue (Penstemon) Still Life
lja_photo: Tram Station
LichtSpielHaus: Industriedenkmal Alte Senffabrik (4)
Jim_ATL: library trio
_Mike M_: Path ahead...
norahlfy: Ligths&Shadows
Andreas Komodromos: Gallery District - West Chelsea, New York City
Jack Landau: Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre