_Mike M_: Winter blues....
_Mike M_: Keep moving forward...
_Mike M_: Mostly calm...
_Mike M_: Looks like a time before...
_Mike M_: Changes...
_Mike M_: Cold cold winter....
_Mike M_: Narrow path ahead...
_Mike M_: ....
_Mike M_: Around the bend we go...
_Mike M_: Desolate
_Mike M_: Lady in red
_Mike M_: What lurks in the the woods...
_Mike M_: Take the time to sit down and appreciate the path...
_Mike M_: Path ahead...
_Mike M_: World becoming....
_Mike M_: Move forward...
_Mike M_: Perfect storm...
_Mike M_: If you are going through some kinda hell... Keep going!
_Mike M_: Winter fog...
_Mike M_: Natural beauty
_Mike M_: Empty church...
_Mike M_: Winter blues...
_Mike M_: Tiny dancer
_Mike M_: ....
_Mike M_: A scene unfolds...
_Mike M_: Still standing
_Mike M_: Lone wolf...
_Mike M_: Thoughtful cat...