alainclement: Often invisible and sometimes so close - Souvent invisible mais parfois tellement proche !!!
alainclement: Malachite Kingfisher - Martin Pecheur huppé
Maierpic: Cactus tree? Serengeti N.P., Tanzania.
alainclement: Malachite Kingfisher - Martin pecheur huppé
Bernard Collery: Cerf élaphe. Red Deer.
Rick Wilhoit: Clyde Update
ken.helal: Osprey
ruthpphoto: Osprey
janeannfag: Heliconia Flower in my Garden
go.mg59: Marche sur le volcan -
patricia.hoedts: Abellerol comu - Abejaruco europeo - European bee-eater - Guêpier d'Europe - Merops apiaster
Bob Gunderson: American Kestrel
Jongejan: Eurasian Spoonbill
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Swift (URN:2427)
usatw2000: Explore 2024/5/23
Ger Bosma: Reed Rockin'
Bruno Conjeaud: Great Spotted Cuckoo
stephane vilmin: Fauvette à tête noire
Laura Macky: Foxyyyy!
~Cess~: You are the one
Linda Martin Photography: Red Kite Chaos!
Annie Audet Dufour: Renardeaux roux - Young Red Foxés