Bernard Collery: Gentil Ane de vendée. Nice Donkey from Vendee.
Bernard Collery: Barges à queue noire. Black-tailed godwits.
Bernard Collery: Faisane. Pheasant.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: En chasse ! Hibou des marais. On the hunt ! Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: L'art de tourner la tête à 180°. Hibou des marais. The art of turning your head 180°. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Ebrouage ! Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Confrontation ! Hiboux des marais. Fight! Short-eared Owls.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Hibou des marais. Short-eared Owl.
Bernard Collery: Vautour moine. Cinereous Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Autour des palombes VS Grand corbeau. Eurasian Goshawk VS Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Autour des palombes VS Grand corbeau. Eurasian Goshawk VS Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Autour des palombes VS Grand corbeau. Eurasian Goshawk VS Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Autour des palombes VS Grand corbeau. Eurasian Goshawk VS Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Grand corbeau. Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Attention derrière !! Vautour fauve. Watch out at the back !! Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour moine. Cinereous Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Grand corbeau. Northern Raven. Common Raven.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve. Griffon Vulture.
Bernard Collery: Vautour fauve observant la vallée. Griffon vulture observing the valley.